About me

Board Members

Carol Egan

From NJ and Georgia – Founder: teenpride.org, Purdue Watchdogs, rootingforecovery.net, The Pharmacist’s People’s Lobby, grmovement.org, Chair of TGRM

Dan Schneider

From Louisiana – The Pharmacist, From The Netflix Series Founder: tunnelofhope.org, The Pharmacist’s People’s Lobby, Vice-Chair of TGRM

Fernando Alvarez

From Connecticut – Founder: thespoonmovement.com, the-curtains.com, alvarezgallery.com, Vice-Chair of TGRM

Lou Cuadrado

From New Jersey – Grieving Mother, Artist and Graphic Designer

Elba Guzman

From Puerto Rico – Grieving Mother, Purdue Watchdogs, Counselor at University of Puerto Rico, Facilitator At Dancing Mindfulness

Jennifer Healy

From Massachusetts – Grieving Grandmother, Senior Healthcare Leader, Advocate for healthcare for all specifically for those impacted by the opioid epidemic

Robert Legge

From Virginia – Founder: reclassify.org

John Shinholser

From Virginia – Co-Founder: mcshin.org, President of The McShin Foundation
